The new pledge by out ConDem government to have the soliders out by 2015 also has to be questioned if violence and resistance is increasing which the chart clearly shows it is. On the other side of the arguement though, is that the increased number of casualties are due to a renewed push to finally topple the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in the two countries though it will be a number of years until we see if the extra loss in life has produced any results. I'll leave you to make up your own mind.
Related articles:
The Sun 100th 2010 soldier death: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/3237680/Tributes-to-100th-soldier-killed.html
BBC article on government 2015 pledge:
Data courtesy of the Guardian data-store at: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=phNtm3LmDZEOjtESRY5o0dw#gid=2
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